Category: 2024 Posts
Scheduled Racing Changes
Skippers and Friends,
This year, due to the weather we have only had two US1M Series regattas, and they were both on the same day because one was a make-up. Three other US1M Series regattas have been cancelled or postponed. Only two more US1M Series regatta dates remain. In the meantime, we have had four Soling Series regattas, the fifth one will be this coming Sunday.
It seems reasonable to try and even out the number of US1M Series Races and Soling Series Races.
Therefore, after running the proposal by the Vice-Commodore and Fleet Captains, I’m changing Soling Series regattas on 9/22 and 10/13 to US1M Series regattas. At the end of the year, theSoling Series will then have a total of five regattas and the US1M Series will have a total of four regattas.
I recognize that this is a change in the guidance we set for make-up Series races, but this has been an unusual sailing season.
Having a make-up Series race in the morning and a regular Series race in the afternoon works, but it is a long day, and it is stressful. When it happens occasionally skippers can endure, but when virtually every race day in a Series is a “double”, it gets to be too much.
In terms of Series scoring, I propose we have only one throw-out for the Soling Series and only one throw-out for the US1M Series. If there is a tie, I will consider the throw-out points/score.
Cliff Martin,
Jim & Sue Linville Regatta
Skippers and Friends,
The Jim and Susan Linville Memorial Regatta was held today at Sandy Pond, in New Hampshire. The change of venue was sudden, but necessary, and somewhat inconvenient for some skippers.
The day was sunny and warm with lite breezes. Nine skippers showed up to compete for coveted ducky trophies. Three skippers were in the DF95 fleet and 6 skippers were in the Soling fleet.
Both fleets started at the same time and worked their way around the course, lazily moving from one pocket of breeze to another. The lite winds meant that there was little separation of the boats as they maneuvered the course, and mark rounding’s were, well, you know! Then there was the occasional gust which caused mayhem in the fleet, and reminded everyone that this was, in fact, a race and there was no time to work on your tan.
Of note, during the last race, while rounding the far mark, the rig on Greg LaPlante’s Soling collapsed. I suspect the sail was just tired of standing up for 12 heats with very little to do. As it turned out, Greg still won first place in Soling’s and got the perpetual Ducky Trophy to keep for a year. For a complete list of winners see our website.
The trials and tribulations of lite winds aside, the day was fun, and it was good to see everybody and talking/thinking about Jim and Sue.
Cliff Martin, Commodore
Linville Memorial Trophy
Skippers and Friends,
We have had a challenging season with weather and weeds. Now we have yet another challenge. The State has just closed our alternate site at Indian Lake because of bacterial contamination, and there is no way to know when it might re-open.
Our choices are now very limited. Postpone sailing or find another site.
I know it’s short notice, I know it’s not ideal, and I know it’s notnecessarily convenient for some of our skippers, but out of necessity I have decided to change the venue for the upcoming Jim and Susan Linville Regatta, this coming Sunday.
The new site is at Sandy Pond in New Hampshire.
The address I use for my navigation system is 90 National Street, Nashua, NH. The site is used by the Nashua Model Yacht Club and has both parking and a porta-potty. Racing will begin at 11:00am.
Both Soling One Meters and DF95’s are welcome to race. There will be first through third place trophies for each class, and aperpetual trophy will be awarded to the winner of the Soling class to keep until next year.
I hope all of you will come and help us commemorate Jim and Susan Linville.
See you there,
Cliff Martin, Commodore
Minuteman Model Yacht Club
Jim Linville’s Tools
Skippers and Friends,
This coming Saturday August, 03, 2024, the Minuteman Model Yacht Club will be holding an estate give-a-way of model yacht building hand tools/materials that come out of Jim Linville’s amazing basement.
Multiple X-acto knives, clamps, scissors, bench vices, chargers, etc. to name just a few of the many items/materials that will be available. Some electronics and some small hand power tools will also be available.
The event will be 11:00am – 1:00pm at Rosemary Lake, and will be on a first come, first served basis. There are no returns and no warranties, expressed or implied. You look at it or touch it, you own it.
Everything must go on Saturday, or we start randomly mailing things to members’ homes.
Cliff Martin, Commodore
Minuteman Model Yacht Club
Linville Memorial Trophy
Skippers and Friends,
This year, with Jim Linville’s passing, the Sue Linville Memorial Regatta will be renamed the Jim and Susan Linville Memorial Regatta. It will be held on August 11, 2024, starting at 11:00am. The venue will be Shore Park, at Indian Lake, in Worcester, MA.
Beginning this year, to allow for more participation, the Regatta will be open to both Soling One Meters and DF95’s.
There will be a First, Second and Third place “Pirate Ducky” keeper trophy for each class, plus a new Jim and Susan Linville Memorial perpetual “Linville Ducky” trophy that will be awarded to the first-place winner of one of the classes; alternating every other year. This year the perpetual trophy will be awarded to the first-place winner of the Soling One Meter class.
We hope to see everyone at this special event, sailing your Soling or DF95.
Also, please take time to thank Steve White who has graciously volunteered to sponsor the Jim and Susan Linville Memorial Regattas.
Cliff Martin, Commodore
Minuteman Model Yacht Club
Racing will be at Indian Lake in Worcester
Skippers, the weeds at Rosemary Lake have become a problem, again.
Therefore, I have made the decision to move all MmMYC racing events to the Greater Worcester Model Yacht Club venue at Indian Lake, in Worcester, MA. The location is Shore Park at 85 Shore Drive, Worcester, MA. This location has a parking lot, a small beach and a bathroom facility. The parking lot is opened at 12:00 noon daily.
Sailing takes place on the grassy lawn to the left of the beach and bathroom facilities and marks are already in the water. You will need to have boots or water shoes to launch your boats.
At first, we will not be able to have our usual 10:00 am free sailing, but we should be able to resume that in a couple of weeks. I’ll let you know when we can resume.
As a reminder, this site is controlled by the adjacent YMCA organization and when we sail at Shore Park, we are sailing under an agreement between the YMCA and the Greater Worcester Model Yacht Club.
I think you will like this venue and hope to see you there.
Cliff Martin, Commodore
Minuteman Model Yacht Club
Jim Linville – Celebration of Life
Skippers and Friends,
The Celebration of Life for our friend Jim Linville will be held on July 29, 2024, at the Hull Yacht Club. The hours will be 5:00pm to 8:00pm.
Please RSVP to if you are planning to attend so we can get an idea of how many people will be there.
We hope you can come to visit and exchange stories with all of Jim’s friends.
Cliff Martin, Commodore
Minuteman Model Yacht Club
Scott Spacey & Old Timers postponed
After discussions with Fleet Directors/Leadership and due consideration, I’ve decided to postpone both the Scott Spacey Footy Regatta on Saturday the 13th and the Old Timers Regatta on Sunday the 14th.
This reluctant decision is based primarily on the fact that weeds have now become very prominent at Rosemary Lake and will likely make a sail regatta almost impossible. In addition, rain is predicted during the racing time on Saturday, and Sunday will have very high temperature and humidity.
The best plan now seems to be to move regattas to Indian Lake in Worcester, Ma. I will send out more information in another email.
We will then look for alternate days to hold the Scott Spacey Footy and Old Timers Regattas.
Cliff Martin, Commodore
Jim Linville (update since his passing)
Skippers and friends,
I want to keep everybody as up to date as I can on information about Jim and his remembrance services.
To that end, I have just been informed that Jim’s estate will need to delay his Celebration of Life until a little later in the Summer. The date and time still needs to be determined, but please be assured I will pass on any information as soon as it comes to me.
Cliff Martin, Commodore
Minuteman Model Yacht Club
8 bells for Jim Linville
8 Bells for Jim Linville of Hull, MA
(From the days of tall ships, 8 Bells signifies the end of a sailor’s watch. Time for a sailor to rest.)
Jim passed away peacefully on 6/9/2024, following a brief hospitalization. He leaves behind a myriad of friends and family from the East coast to West coast, and everywhere in between. Jim had a gregarious personality,and the people he met in his life were quickly drawn into his sphere of friendship and generosity.
Jim was a lifelong sailor who was passionate about his hobby of building and sailing model yachts. For almost 30 years, Jim maintained aprominent role in the Minuteman Model Yacht Club, teaching and mentoring members, both new and old. Jim also belonged to theAmerican Model Yachting Association, a national model yachting organization. With this organization he served as Regional Director, as US1M Class Secretary, and in multiple publication support staff positions for their “Model Yachting” magazine.
In 2008, in recognition of his many achievements, Jim was voted into the American Model Yachting Associations Hall of Fame.
Jim was also diligent in maintaining relationships he developed in life. Every year, after the passing of his wife Sue, Jim would pack up several books-on-tape and take driving trips across the country to visit friends and family along the way. His weeks long adventures would eventually end in San Diego, CA where he had a friend from high school to visit. He would then turn around and zigzag back across the country to visit people he missed initially.
Jim will be missed as a friend, as a mentor and as a committed family member.
SEE MORE ABOUT JIM – On this website, please visit the Trophy Room – National Champions and AMYA Hall of Fame. Additionally, see the Sue Linville Memorial Trophy, sponsored by Jim Linville.
Ice Breaker 2024
Ice Breaker – 2024
After a couple of weather driven false starts over the previous two weeks, the 2024 sailing season has finally started for the Minuteman Model Yacht Club. Newly elected Vice-Commodore Greg LaPlante was Race Director for the traditional first race of the season.
It will not surprise anybody familiar with Rosemary Lake if I say the wind was gusty, swirly, unpredictable, and very challenging for the seven skippers that showed up to compete for the coveted Ice Bucket trophy.
Admittedly, I was expecting this first race of the season to be something akin to a blooper’s reel of model yacht sailing and rescues. I was very pleasantly surprised when everybody handled the winds, the course and the challenges in a yeoman manner. There was no opportunity to even try out our club’s new, inflatable, pontoon rescue boat. WOW!!
The sailing was very competitive, and when the scores were added up Paul Mercer was able to just edge out consecutive two-time winner Greg LaPlante, to take home the Ice Bucket trophy.
Good racing guys!
Cliff Martin,
Icebreaker Rescheduled
I want to bring everybody up to speed about a couple of things.
First, MmMYC has a new leadership structure. The new officers are listed below, and they are also listed on the MmMYC Website.
Commodore: Cliff Martin
Vice Commodore: Greg LaPlante
DF95 Feet Captain: Paul Mercer
Soling Fleet Captain: Allain Jousse
US1M Fleet Captain: Rick Gates
During our winter indoor meetings, we elected to give Fleet Captains more autonomy and responsibility over their respectivefleets. Each Fleet Captain will now make the necessary decisions if their fleet regatta needs to be delayed or cancelled due to weather and will make sure the fleet racing is well run at the pond. Please give them your help and support in making these decisions and when sailing.
Second, the weather seems like it may be our nemesis again this year, as we have already had to postpone the Ice Breaker. Something we have rarely done, if ever, in the past.
After discussions, skippers wanted the Ice Breaker to be rescheduled. It’s an open regatta so you can sail anything, but since the Soling’s will be competing for the trophy, it was decided that it will be held in the morning of the Soling Series Regatta #1, on April 14, 2024. Hopefully, not too many skippers will have to bring two boats.
Per club rules, the Ice Breaker will begin at 10:00am and end at 12 Noon. Soling Series race #1 will begin at 12:45pm and no racing will start after 3:15.
Third, Paul and John are working to get our new BuoyBot online and working as needed. We hope to use it for the Ice Breaker. In trials, Paul was able to get the buoy motoring around without snagging anything, and Greg was able to get around the far marks with no issues, so for now, the pond seems relatively weed free. Let’s hope it stays that way.
Cliff Martin,
Weather on 3/24 was far from optimal for the 2024 Icebreaker. Only 3 boats came to Rosemary Lake to race with temperatures in the 30’s and wind chills in the 20’s. Maybe it will be rescheduled. More on that later……
DF95 Region 1 Championship
Drone Buoy
The club has purchased one drone buoy. It will be used to set one end of the start/finish line.