Indian Lake is now open.
I know it’s been a tough, trying, and somewhat discouraging sailing season, even so, we still have 5 weekends until the Enduro, and some people may still want to sail. At this point, the leadership feels that Series racing has been severely compromised and going forward we should just continue racing the classes on the schedule, but not track them for the Series.
To that end, sailing will now restart at the Indian Lake venue. I will continue to monitor the conditions at Rosemary and send a message if conditions change for the better.
I will also send out emails to all members on the Thursday before and ask people to let me know if they will be sailing on the Sunday. If by Saturday afternoon I don’t get at least 4 skippers to say they will attend, I will cancel the sailing.
The Shore Park Beach at Indian Lake is now closed for the season, so skippers must enter through the side road/gate. I will open the gate at 10:00am and close it at 10:50am. (It can’t be left open or left unattended because non-club members may enter thinking the beach is still open) These constraints with getting into and out of the parking lot will mean we can’t really have free sailing before the racing begins. Now, racing will begin at 11:00am.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Cliff Martin, Commodore