Ice Breaker 2024

Ice Breaker – 2024

After a couple of weather driven false starts over the previous two weeks, the 2024 sailing season has finally started for the Minuteman Model Yacht Club.  Newly elected Vice-Commodore Greg LaPlante was Race Director for the traditional first race of the season.

It will not surprise anybody familiar with Rosemary Lake if I say the wind was gusty, swirly, unpredictable, and very challenging for the seven skippers that showed up to compete for the coveted Ice Bucket trophy.

Admittedly, I was expecting this first race of the season to be something akin to a blooper’s reel of model yacht sailing and rescues.  I was very pleasantly surprised when everybody handled the winds, the course and the challenges in a yeoman manner.  There was no opportunity to even try out our club’s new, inflatable, pontoon rescue boat.  WOW!!

The sailing was very competitive, and when the scores were added up Paul Mercer was able to just edge out consecutive two-time winner Greg LaPlante, to take home the Ice Bucket trophy.

Good racing guys!

Cliff Martin,
